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Canadian Agricultural Job Opportunities Made Simple – Even Your Kids Can Do It

Canada is one of the countries that cannot boast of its vast agricultural manpower, this is due to the fact that most of its citizens did not pick up agriculture as a source of livelihood. This has led to an increase in demand for agricultural job offers available for foreign workers willing to apply for these job openings.

According to information gotten from the Canadian Immigration Department, foreigners with minimum skill in agricultural labor that are interested in taking up farming jobs can apply for the numerous job vacancies in the agricultural department. 

Here are some of the available job offers for foreigners in the Canadian Agricultural Industry:

Applicant Profile:

Job Type

Agricultural Sector

Job Location


Eligible Nationalities

All Countries

Minimum Educational Qualification

Secondary / High School Certificate

Working Experience 

Experienced and New Farmers

Minimum Wage


Employee Benefits

Available based on package

Available Farming Job Types In Canada

Fruit Picker

Cattle Ranch Laborer

Poultry Farm Worker

Beef Cattle Farm Worker

Dairy Farm Worker

General Farm Worker

Farm Machinery Operator

Hatchery Operator

Vegetable Farm Worker

Harvester Machine Operator

How To Find And Apply For Available Farm Jobs In Canada

A lot of people believe farming is for peasants who are ready to spend hours working under the scorching sun for little pay, and not a modern job opportunity, however, this is false because farming is an important and advanced job with lots of machineries that helps with reducing farming stress and increasing work productivity. Canada is a technologically advanced country with lots of farming equipment readily available for foreigners interested in working in the agricultural industry.

Individuals looking for farming job opportunities in Canada can easily find and apply for them by visiting the Canadian Job Bank for Agricultural job listing. Alternatively, you can easily revisit this post by bookmarking our website to always get an updated list of general farm labor jobs in Canada.

How Much Do Foreigners Earn As Farm Workers In Canada?

There are several factors that determine how much you can earn as a farmworker in Canada. Some of these factors include;

The minimum wage for people working in the Canadian agricultural sector is $18.50 per hour, so, if you decided to work for 8 hours every day, you will earn $148 daily which is around $740 weekly (excluding Saturday and Sunday),  $2,960 monthly, and $35,520 annually.

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